Monday, May 3, 2010

Lately we have been putting a lot of thought into the design of our side yard. With all of the added garden spaces (which do look amazing) we want to make sure that there is a balance being maintained between space for them to be physical and inviting places for discovery and reflection. Watching the children play outside I have been so inspired by their creativity and ingenuity in how they have been creating physical challenges for themselves.

One of their favorite games at the moment is to set up things and see if they can jump over them. Today Liam found out that he can jump all the way over the big blue bucket.
Ethan likes to jump ove logs.
They decided to add pieces to jumping a bit trickier.

Izzy thought that the added logges were a bit too much. They mooved the logs and Izzy was able to sail right over the bucket.

Kritsana went right over too.
I wonder what their next set up will be tomorrow?

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